The Mandala
The Mandala is considered to be any geometric pattern, which represents the Universe. Generally used in meditation for focusing the attention of aspirants and adepts, this spiritual teaching tool is also used for establishing a sacred space; whereby it can then be used as an aid to meditation and trance induction.
This beautiful ring is a skillfully created rendition of the Mandala. Much like the sand Mandalas created by Tibetan monks, this ring can be used to focus the attention, and to establish sacred space.
The Mandala is an organized geometric design of symbolic accounts of both space and time. In effecting your focus, it creates the Divine. It harmonizes with and focuses your attention, so that you can reach higher states of Consciousness. Tibetan monks create sand Mandalas, in an effort to make offerings of their time and effort to the Universe. And in offering up concerted skillful effort in making the Mandala, they are establishing a space and time which is sacred and cleansed. This brings about a clarified sense of awareness and presence to them.
In employing your focus upon the Mandala, you are offering up your attention to be reorganized in line with the Mandala’s sacred structural form. This brings about a sense of harmony with the Universe. The Macrocosmic and Microcosmic worlds align, thus opening up sacred space around you.
By utilizing the vibrations of both gold and silver, this ring’s design harmonizes the polar energies of both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine- gold representing the Masculine, and silver representing the Feminine. The inclusion of the circle and square echoes this meaning.
The circle is indicative of the Soul. The star represents the Spiritual, and the square, the Physical. The 12-sided star in particular represents the months in the year and the 12 zodiac signs- reminding us of the influence the stars have on us spiritually.
The 12-sided star is done both in gold and silver, showing the zodiac (and therefore, us as well) as being influenced by both the Masculine and Feminine; the Sun and the Moon; the day and the night.
The four gates, on the outer rim of the ring’s design, represent the spatial order of the Cardinal Directional points; North, East, South, and West. The four gemstones affixed to the top and the bottom of the ring represents the four Deities associated to each; which the gates allow access to. These gemstones are affixed to both the top and the bottom of the piece, allowing a three-dimensional sacred space to be effectually opened.
The leafy garden foliage etched on either side of the ring reminds us of the Life that springs forth from the sacred structure of the Mandala.
This ring is not only a beautifully symbolic piece of artwork, but also a tool for establishing sacred space, and aiding in meditation. That you wear this tool of meditation and divination only increases its useful value in guiding you to a sacred space that is unique and individual to you- capable of absorbing your personal energy for use later, during meditation.
The skull symbolizes the crossing of Life and Death, the meeting place of Transformation and Transcendence.
And in this human bridging between Life and Death; the Known and Unknown; the Mundane, and the Trans-formative, lies ”ESKULIA”.
”ESKULIA” symbolizes the doorway between Death and Transcendence, where we leave our bodies and begin the journey of our Higher Realms.
Our conscious dwelling moves from Body to Spirit, and our conscious Spirit moves our existential awareness from the Physical to the Subtle- (or Spiritual Planes) - thereby entering us into new worlds of Knowing.
This beautifully rendered, and lifelike skull ring- ”Eskulia” is framed with feathers; representing Spirit emanating on outwards from it, in a semi-circular fashion. This implies the vacating Spirit is peeking out from around the Door of Death- like Light, spilling out into the shadows…
The stone situated in either eye of "Eskulia", represents the sum total of imagery, gathered from our conscious mind at the time of Death; and hardened into a gemstone, for safe keeping during travel.
The left-side is creative and reflective; the right-side is creative and constructive.
A gemstone on the left-hand side (left eye) represents the inner journey about to take place, where our Life's images are projected back into our Soul for categorizing, emotional discharge, and admittance into the Akashic Records- which the Soul keeps tally on. The inner journey of the left-hand side, represents the intuitive, emotional,
and the well-being of the person.
The right-hand sided gemstone (right eye) represents the exterior journey of worlds outside our own Being. This includes re-incarnation, and traveling across the Universe to be born again. The exterior journey of the right-hand side represents the conscious flow of images, of decision-making, and of embarking on new experiences and adventures.
When Death finally finds us, we have two doors we take, which represent the inner and outer worlds that join to create our experience. Where will you concentrate your Light??